Alexander Fanta
Gick med i under 2020
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Denna persons förfrågningar om allmänna handlingar enligt offentlighetsprincipen (ungefär 3)
Draft revised Mandate of the Working Party on Dual-Use Goods
Uppföljning skickades till Sveriges ständiga representation vid Europeiska unionen i Bryssel av Alexander Fanta den .
Dear Marcus,
I seem to have trouble opening the file you sent me. Could you send it again to [email address]?
Alexander Fanta
Letter on ePrivacy
Svar från Sveriges ständiga representation vid Europeiska unionen i Bryssel till Alexander Fanta den .
Dear Mr Fanta,
You have 25 April 2023 requested access to
a letter regarding progress on the Proposal for a regulation concerning
the resp...
Dear Alexander,
You have requested access to a letter regarding progress on the Proposal for a regulation concerning the respect for private life and...
Denna persons anteckningar
Ingen gjord.