A chart showing 93.58% of requests have been categorised
21 requests left to categorise / 327 total

Top recent players

1. Uppenbar Pseudonym 8 requests

All time best players

1. Elenor 23 requests
2. adminu 10 requests
3. Uppenbar Pseudonym 10 requests
4. Mattias Axell 7 requests
5. Helen Cross 4 requests
6. André Costa 1 request
7. Lennart Berg 1 request
8. K. Myrestam 1 request

Play the request categorisation game!

Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.

Till Riksdagens Ombudsmän, Jag har i flera ärenden här på Handlingar.se läst frågor som upprepade gånger ställts till Trafikverket angående misstänkt...
Treasury Notice 2023-11
Requested from Ministry of Finance by Nicholas Lee on

Awaiting classification.

I previously submitted, by email, a request on January 29th concerning documents related to United States Treasury / IRS Notice "2023-11". A respons...
Offentliga upphandlingar statistik
Requested from Armed Forces by Anders on

Awaiting classification.

Till Försvarsmakten, Hej, jag skulle vilja ta del av statistik på vilka de största privata leverantörerna till försvarsmakten har varit historiskt se...

Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...